Make College Affordable Tue, 29 Mar 2016 19:05:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fri, 01 May 2015 13:00:15 +0000 Terry Colleges graduation party graduation party ideas A graduation party can be a call for celebration. It can entail all sorts of fun activities but it’s important for people to think about what they want to do as they are getting such parties ready. There are a number of fine graduation party ideas that will certainly add a bit of fun to any special event that could take place. All of these graduation party ideas should be considered but it helps to talk with the guest of honor about any ideas. It might also help to see what that person has an interest in when choosing good concepts. These pointers are exciting to find when looking for fun things to do for this occasion where someone is to be celebrated and honored. Travel Themes Are Enjoyable Some of the best graduation party ideas can entail travel themes. The travel theme is great in that graduation is a time in one’s life that can entail the development of new ideas and hopes. This can include the ability to look for new opportunities and experiences in the world. A travel theme can be great as it will show that there’s no telling where a graduate will go next. Performance [...] 0 Wed, 29 Apr 2015 13:00:31 +0000 Terry Colleges career college perfect degree Choosing the perfect or right degree can be daunting. If you do not have the right knowledge, then you could choose the wrong major and waste a considerable amount of time in school. Here are five major tips on how to select the best degree you should pursue. Tips on How to Choose the Perfect Degree 1)Know yourself Knowing yourself is very critical when choosing the right or perfect degree. Knowing your strength and weaknesses, personality type, the job you love, lifestyle choice and many other aspects is very important in choosing the perfect course. Once you understand fully who you are, then you can choose the right career, major and the school of your choice. 2) Choose a career you love Choosing a perfect degree requires that you first decide, which career you want to pursue in life. You will need to do a lot of research on the career of your choice in order to find out exactly what the career or job entails. For example, if your dream career is to become a doctor, then you ought to know more about medicine and its different specializations. Such knowledge will help you know more about a career, areas [...] 0 Tue, 28 Apr 2015 13:00:10 +0000 Terry Colleges campus Department of Campus Safety graduation day College students should always be smart and safe, from the moment they first walk on campus to the graduation day. Student life can pose some dangers and we'll discuss here some safety tips while in college. Follow them while on campus or anywhere you are and you'll keep safe and sound: When you first get accustomed with the campus and neighborhood study the routes between your class and activities schedule and your residence. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the indoor and outdoor location of emergency phones. You'll recognize them easily because these boxes all have a blue button near the bottom of the face-plate. Just with a press of a button you can auto dial to University Police and the Dispatch will promptly answer and send an Officer to the scene, if needed. It is also advisable to share your class/activities schedule with a network of close friends and with your parents. This way you'll effectively create a “buddy” system. You can use your buddy system if you head to a local bar or walk on campus and take a friend with you. Make sure that you both make it safety back to your rooms and always watch [...] 0 Fri, 17 Apr 2015 13:00:26 +0000 Terry Colleges classes college High school You might be performing well in high school, but when you join college, it might not be as easy as such. In colleges, usually, there are limited assignments compared to high schools, which implies that every grade is important. Here is a guide on how to make the transition to college successful. Scheduling When you are commencing college, you will need to come up with a schedule that will help you through to your success. You will need to create your schedule according to your preferences. Suppose you don't prefer the morning classes, then you should avoid taking the AM classes. When you are making the schedule, it’s a good idea to balance between working on lighter courses that are less time consuming, or going for the reading-intensive ones. You should also choose a voluntary course that is full of fun, just to make your learning process lively. The Classroom Success One advise here is that you must go to class. Yes, this might sound so obvious, but at the college level, no one will be there to supervise you on your class attendance. You will be highly tempted to skip class, because actually, many don't attend them. However, it [...] 0 Tue, 07 Apr 2015 13:00:46 +0000 Terry Colleges college degree graduating university degree The importance of a college degree is often ubiquitous. College degrees usually show elements of resilience, drive and maturity. Basically, graduates with a college degree are normally provided opportunities for better occupations as well as higher pay. In general, a university degree can allow for further advancement of a person's career. A degree from a university will show you as a graduate has got knowledge in a specified field, you can follow instructions, meet deadlines and thus be an overall asset to a firm. This write up will focus on discussing some of the benefits you're likely to experience by possessing a university degree. The Importance of Earning a College Degree Increasing your Knowledge The major benefit of earning a university degree is that it can increase your knowledge. This can make you become better equipped in understanding the world around you. The knowledge you get while undertaking your undergraduate will make you be in a position to express yourself with conciseness and clarity, defend your ideas and beliefs and thus be able to make rational and informed decisions, and ultimately, perhaps even be able to achieve enlightenment. . Becoming Increasingly Self- Confidence There is often much personal satisfaction you [...] 0