If looking for a career in the allied health industry, A Technical Advantage (ATA) College based in Louisville, Kentucky offers programs of study taught by knowledgeable faculty to help you attain your degree. This school is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools which it received back in 2005. With the healthcare industry expanding (it’s reported by the Labor of Bureau of Statistics that healthcare jobs will grow 3.2 million over the next decade), more and more trained professionals will be required to perform the technical duties allied health specialist perform on a daily bases. Formerly, ATA College was an Information Technology school when it was established back in 1994, but after reaching out to the medical community and enlisting program directors well versed in the medical field, they now have curriculum suitable for those interested in a career in the allied health industry.
Allied Healthcare Professionals
People in this industry make up 60% of the healthcare workforce and specialize in specific areas necessary for a patients total well-being while be treated in a hospital or medical practice. Some job titles within the allied healthcare profession include audiologist, diagnostic medical sonographist, medical assistant, electrocardiogram technician and phlebotomist which is a career in high demand within the medical field taught at ATA College. Fields in the healthcare industry are projected to grow because of the aging population retiring. Diseases like Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and other elderly related illnesses will increase and therefore require trained professionals in the medical field to perform critical processes and tasks.
Attending ATA College
ATA College offers ten month Diploma programs and fifteen month Associate Degree programs; they offer externships so students can receive hands-on training (different from Internships in that they only last one or two days and earn no pay or academic credit); and they give graduates the chance to “re-sit” a class they’ve taken free of charge. If you’re a working adult, you’ll be able to fit your classes around a schedule you feel comfortable with, and the classes are small enough to enable one-on-one training by the instructors. Total cost of attending ATA College can range from eighteen to thirty-three thousand dollars depending on Diploma or Degree. They have a net price calculator to help you get a clearer picture of what your individual costs will be if you’re receiving any financial aid.
Programs from ATA College
The healthcare industry has an ample selection of career choices available to those wishing to enter a field expected to grow in the next decade. If you’re planning to attend ATA College, you’ll be able to study programs like Practical Nursing, Medical Lab Technician, Dental Assistant, Medical Office Assistant as well as others that have good career stability prospects. At the end of the day, it’s all about job security and competitive wages which a career as an allied health professional can provide.