UEI College

For those interested in specialized career education, UEI College has programs in automotive, business, criminal justice, medical and dental fields of study. Their locations are mainly in California but they have a few institutions in Florida and Georgia. UEI stands for United Education Institute and they offer a job placement assistance service where they connect you with area businesses related to your field of study to lessen your employment search after graduation. The United Education Institute has been around since 1982 offering diploma and degree programs for those wishing to opt out of a four-year program at a university, expediting their training for quick job placement.

Degrees and Diplomas

They have 8 to 9 month diploma programs and 16 month Associate of Applied Science degree programs that allow you to attain the applicable knowledge in your field of study to perform technical job duties when hired. Just figure out which profession you’d like to see yourself in and put the time and effort required so you can earn your degree or diploma in a timely manner. UEI College is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges which can be found at the U.S. Department of Education’s Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs.

Financial Aid

Their classes are relatively inexpensive which is ideal for people already in the workforce. If you’ve dropped out of high school and want to earn more than minimum wage, or you simply want to advance in a profession you are currently working in, UEI College provides people that opportunity. Like all institutions, they offer financial aid to those who are eligible, but they also have a Net Price Calculator to help you find the aid you need for your specific situation. It’ll direct you to scholarships that you’re eligible for and will show you how much your education will cost. This is great when planning a budget and trying to find ways to get the most out of your money.

People Who Attend UEI College

The ages of people who attend UEI College vary and come from many walks of life. Most young adults out of high school enjoy the excitement, lifestyle and community a four-year college can offer, but many who’ve been forced to drop out because of undesirable life conditions (teen pregnancies, unstable family life, poverty) are denied those dreams yet still need the opportunity to be able to live successful lives in today’s economy. Getting your life organized and focusing on which profession you’d feel you’d be more successful in is a great way to make positive changes that’ll give you more happiness down the road.

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